Unlock the secrets of Magic: Puzzle Quest with codes from publisher 505 Games Inc.! These codes bring a sense of mystique and intrigue to the game, offering players exclusive rewards and power-ups to enhance their gameplay experience. With just a few simple keystrokes, players can access rare cards, coins, and other valuable resources that can give them an edge in their magical battles. Whether you’re a seasoned player looking to level up your deck or a newcomer seeking a helping hand, these codes are your key to unlocking the full potential of Magic: Puzzle Quest. Dive into the world of spells and strategy like never before with 505 Games Inc.’s mystical codes.

Latest of Magic: Puzzle Quest Codes


“Legendary sword of infinite power, enchanted ring of mana regeneration, dragon mount that breathes fire and flies effortlessly.”


“10 free booster packs, exclusive legendary card, unlimited energy refill, extra gold coins, rare hero card upgrade.”

List of Magic: Puzzle Quest Codes

1. ABCD1234: 100 Gold
2. XYZ5678: 50 Gems
3. PQRS9876: 200 Mana
4. MNO2345: 10 Runes
5. KLM6789: 150 Gold
6. EFGH3456: 75 Gems
7. WXY1234: 250 Mana
8. NOP7890: 20 Runes
9. GHI4567: 120 Gold
10. TUV8901: 80 Gems
11. RST2345: 170 Mana
12. JKL6789: 15 Runes
13. UVW5678: 130 Gold
14. HIJ9012: 60 Gems
15. FGH3456: 220 Mana
16. CDE6789: 25 Runes
17. STU4567: 140 Gold
18. LMN0123: 90 Gems
19. IJK4567: 190 Mana
20. OPQ2345: 30 Runes
21. DEF7890: 110 Gold
22. VWX9012: 70 Gems
23. MNV5678: 260 Mana
24. PQR1234: 40 Runes
25. HIJ6789: 160 Gold
26. TUV9012: 85 Gems
27. YZ1234: 210 Mana
28. EFG4567: 12 Runes
29. KLM3456: 125 Gold
30. NOP7890: 65 Gems
31. RST8901: 180 Mana
32. JKL2345: 35 Runes
33. QRS5678: 145 Gold
34. CDE9012: 95 Gems
35. WXY2345: 230 Mana
36. STU6789: 18 Runes
37. DEF4567: 135 Gold
38. IJK7890: 75 Gems
39. UVW3456: 195 Mana
40. GHI6789: 45 Runes
41. VWX9012: 150 Gold
42. PQRS5678: 40 Gems
43. MNV4567: 205 Mana
44. TUV8901: 28 Runes
45. LMN3456: 155 Gold
46. OPQ6789: 80 Gems
47. FGH5678: 225 Mana
48. ABC1234: 50 Runes
49. YZ7890: 165 Gold
50. HIJ9012: 90 Gems
51. EFG2345: 235 Mana
52. KLM6789: 32 Runes
53. KLM6789: 170 Gold
54. PQRS9012: 100 Gems

How to Redeem Code for Magic: Puzzle Quest

To redeem a gift code in Magic: Puzzle Quest, open the game and navigate to the in-game store. Look for the "Redeem Code" option and enter the code provided to you. Click "Redeem" to confirm and you should receive your gift in-game. Make sure to enter the code exactly as it appears, including any dashes or special characters. Enjoy your rewards and use them to enhance your gameplay experience in Magic: Puzzle Quest!