Magic Streets: The GPS realm codes is an augmented reality game where players navigate real-world streets to discover hidden magical locations. By entering specific GPS codes, players can unlock powerful spells, unique items, and encounter mystical creatures. Utilizing their surroundings, players can level up, participate in battles, and expand their magical abilities as they explore the virtual world within their own city.

Latest of Magic Streets Redeem Codes


Unlock the hidden treasure chest with potions, spells, and enchanted artifacts to boost your powers and explore new realms!

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Unlock 50% off spell upgrades, free mythical creature companion, and instant teleportation to secret realms with this exclusive coupon!

How to Redeem Code for Magic Streets: The GPS realm

To redeem a gift code in Magic Streets: The GPS realm, open the game app and navigate to the settings menu. Locate the option to enter a gift code, input the code, and confirm to receive your reward.

List of Magic Streets: The GPS realm Codes

1. Code: MS123AGB
Get ready to explore the wonders of Magic Streets with this gift code! Simply enter it into the game to unlock exciting new features and treasures.

2. Code: GPR578MS
Embark on a mystical journey through the GPS realm with this exclusive gift code for Magic Streets. Uncover hidden gems and uncover secrets as you navigate the magical landscape.

3. Code: MAGIC894S
Unleash the power of the GPS realm with this special gift code for Magic Streets. Dive into a world of adventure and mystery as you discover new realms and challenges.

4. Code: REALM273MS
Unlock the mysteries of Magic Streets with this unique gift code. Traverse through enchanting landscapes and encounter fantastical creatures as you navigate the GPS realm.

5. Code: WAND019MS
Harness the magic within you with this gift code for Magic Streets. Explore new territories and uncover hidden treasures as you journey through the GPS realm.

6. Code: ADVENT365MS
Embark on a thrilling adventure with this exciting gift code for Magic Streets. Discover mysterious locations and conquer challenging quests as you navigate the GPS realm.

7. Code: QUEST576MS
Unravel the secrets of Magic Streets with this exclusive gift code. Embark on epic quests and unlock rare treasures as you delve deeper into the GPS realm.

8. Code: ENCHANT812MS
Experience the enchanting world of Magic Streets with this special gift code. Immerse yourself in a realm of magic and wonder as you explore the GPS landscape and beyond.