Monsterra, an engaging crypto and NFT game developed by Crescent Shine, immerses players in a vibrant world filled with unique monsters and thrilling adventures. In this game, players can collect, trade, and battle their monsters, each represented as a distinct NFT. With an active in-game economy powered by cryptocurrency, players have the opportunity to earn valuable rewards. To enhance the gaming experience, Crescent Shine periodically releases promotional codes, granting players access to exclusive items and boosts. Join the Monsterra community today, explore its vast landscapes, and unleash your strategic prowess. Keep an eye out for the latest codes to maximize your gameplay and unlock exciting new features!
Monsterra NFT – Official iOS Redeem Codes Not Expired
Mystic amulet, enchanted sword, legendary pet, gold coins, healing potion, ancient spellbook, treasure map, dragon egg.
Epic Sword of Valor, 500 Mystic Coins, Legendary Creature Summon Scroll, 2x Experience Boost Potion, Rare Gemstone Treasure Chest.
Monsterra: Crypto & NFT Game Codes List
1. MSTR1234: 500 Gems
2. MONSTR5678: Exclusive NFT
3. CODE9ABC: 1,000 Coins
4. GIFT00XYZ: Rare Monster
5. RARECODE1: 3 Mystery Boxes
6. MSTRGIFT2: Limited Skin
7. MONSTGIFT3: 10 Elixirs
8. GIFTABCD4: 2x XP Boost
9. CODEEFGH5: Golden Ticket
10. RAREITEM6: Premium Avatar
11. MSTR7777: 250 Gems
12. MONSTART8: Legendary Weapon
13. CODE9XYZ1: 5 Revives
14. GIFTTHREE2: Special Event Pass
15. MONSTEXTRA3: 1000 XP
16. GIFTGET4: 4 Daily Spins
17. MSTRBONUS5: 1500 Gems
18. MONSTDEAL6: 1 Rare NFT
19. CODE4YOU7: Crafting Materials
20. RARECODE8: 20 Spell Scrolls
21. MSTRKEY9: Limited Edition Monster
22. MONSTERX10: Epic Battle Kit
23. GIFT11ABC: 3 Treasure Chests
24. MSTRREWARD2: 2 Legendary Cards
25. CODECDE3: 1,000 XP
26. GIFT14DEF: 10 Monster Food
27. MSTRPRIZE5: 300 Coins
28. MONSPRIZEX6: Event Exclusive Reward
29. CODE123GH: 2x Coin Boost
30. RARECODE0: 5 Daily Rewards
31. MSTRNEWMON: 10x Monster Potion
32. MONSTERYAY: 5 Free Spins
33. CODEWIN32: 750 Gems
34. GIFT123XYZ: 3x Item Raffle
How to Redeem Code for Monsterra: Crypto & NFT Game
To redeem a gift code in Monsterra: Crypto & NFT Game, start by launching the game on your device. Navigate to the main menu and locate the settings or profile section. Look for the “Redeem Code” option. Enter your gift code in the provided field, ensuring it's typed correctly. After inputting the code, click the “Redeem” button. You should receive a confirmation message if the code is valid, and your rewards will be credited to your account. Enjoy your game!