In the captivating world of “My Story: Mansion Makeover,” developed by ZenLife Games Ltd, players dive into a mesmerizing narrative filled with creativity and design challenges. Transform a dilapidated mansion into a stunning masterpiece by solving puzzles and unlocking unique codes that offer exclusive rewards. As you engage with charming characters and uncover hidden secrets, each code you discover enhances your gameplay experience, providing resources to upgrade rooms and style interiors to reflect your vision. With every renovation, watch your story unfold, inviting you to immerse yourself in a blend of decoration and intrigue. Join the adventure and create the mansion of your dreams!

My Story – Mansion Makeover Redeem Codes Not Expired

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Mystical key, enchanted chandelier, rare painting, magical wallpaper, garden gnome, vintage furniture, treasure map, cozy blanket.

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10,000 coins, exclusive antique furniture piece, and a rare mythical creature wallpaper to enhance your mansion’s enchanting atmosphere! Enjoy decorating!

My Story - Mansion Makeover Codes List

1. ABCD1234: 100 Gems
2. EFGH5678: 50 Coins
3. IJKL9012: 200 Gems
4. MNOP3456: 300 Coins
5. QRST7890: 5 Lives
6. UVWX2345: 150 Gems
7. YZAB6789: 100 Coins
8. CDEF0123: 250 Gems
9. GHJK4567: 3 Hints
10. LMNO8901: 2 Boosts
11. PQRS2345: 500 Coins
12. TUVW6789: 20 Stars
13. XYZA1234: 75 Gems
14. BCDE5678: 80 Coins
15. FGHI9012: 6 Lives
16. JKLM3456: 300 Gems
17. NOPQ7890: 4 Hints
18. RSTU2345: 10 Stars
19. VWXY6789: 200 Coins
20. ZABC0123: 100 Gems
21. DEFG4567: 3 Boosts
22. HIJK8901: 500 Gems
23. LMNO2345: 75 Coins
24. PQRS6789: 2 Lives
25. TUVW9012: 15 Stars
26. XYZA3456: 250 Coins
27. BCDE7890: 50 Gems
28. FGHI1234: 5 Hints
29. JKLM5678: 200 Gems
30. NOPQ9012: 10 Coins
31. RSTU3456: 2 Boosts
32. VWXY7890: 300 Stars
33. ZABC1234: 40 Gems
34. DEFG5678: 60 Coins
35. HIJK9012: 8 Lives
36. LMNO3456: 4 Hints
37. PQRS6789: 150 Coins
38. TUVW0123: 200 Gems
39. XYZA4567: 12 Stars
40. BCDE8901: 6 Lives
41. FGHI2345: 250 Coins
42. JKLM6789: 30 Gems
43. NOPQ1234: 3 Hints
44. RSTU5678: 20 Coins
45. VWXY9012: 500 Gems
46. ZABC3456: 75 Stars
47. DEFG7890: 200 Coins
48. HIJK0123: 50 Gems
49. LMNO4567: 7 Lives
50. PQRS8901: 100 Hints
51. TUVW2345: 10 Boosts
52. XYZA6789: 150 Gems

How to Redeem Code for My Story - Mansion Makeover

To redeem a gift code in "My Story - Mansion Makeover," start the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the settings icon, usually represented by a gear symbol. Click on it, then find the "Redeem Code" option. Enter your gift code in the provided text box carefully, ensuring accuracy. Once done, press the confirm or redeem button. You should see a confirmation message, and your rewards will be credited to your account. Enjoy your game!