“Obey Me!” is a captivating otome game published by NTT Solmare Corporation, immersing players in a world of demons, magic, and romance. In this interactive story, players take on the role of a human exchange student in the Devildom, forming bonds with seven charming demon brothers. To enhance your gameplay, keep an eye out for limited-time codes released by NTT Solmare, offering valuable in-game currency and exclusive items. Engaging with the community through social media channels and official announcements is the best way to stay updated on new codes. Embrace your journey in the Devildom, strengthen your relationships, and create unforgettable memories with your favorite characters!
Obey Me! Nightbringer Promo Codes Not Expired
Celestial charm, enchanted spellbook, rare demon figurine, mystical herb pouch, and a silver starlight amulet.
Magical charm, rare summon ticket, exclusive outfit, spirit companion, unlimited energy potion, premium storyline access, bonus loyalty points, and event tickets!
Otome Games Obey Me! NB Codes List
1. LOVE123: 500 Gems
2. GAMEFUN: 1000 Tokens
3. FATE2023: 3 Free Card Packs
4. MYSTERY: 2x Energy Boost
5. DATENIGHT: 10 Heart Crystals
6. DEVILISH: Rare Character Unlock
7. FRIENDSHIP: 500 Experience Points
8. ROMANCE42: 3 Event Tickets
9. LUCKYSHOT: 200 Diamonds
10. BONDING: 1 Special Character
11. OBSESSION: 1500 gold
12. MAGICWAND: 1x Summon Scroll
13. ADVENTURE: Full Stamina Restore
14. CUTEDEVIL: 50 Love Points
15. SOULMATE: 5x Skill Enhancers
16. SHININGSTAR: 3 Love Letters
17. NIGHTOUT: 1 Special Outfit
18. DEVILISHGIFT: 1000 Friendship Points
19. FRUITYFUN: 20x Boost Items
20. WISHFUL: 1 Rare Item
21. DREAMBIG: 5x Event Rewards
22. CUTECODE: 200 Bonus Gems
23. EPICLOVE: 15x Sticker Packs
24. CHARMING: Exclusive Background
25. DEVILCODE: 3x Character Level Up
26. FANTASYDAY: 10x Daily Rewards
How to Redeem Code for Otome Games Obey Me! NB
To redeem a gift code in the Otome game Obey Me!, follow these steps: Open the game and navigate to the main screen. Tap on the menu icon (three horizontal lines) in the upper left corner. Select "Settings" from the menu options. Look for the "Gift Code" option and tap on it. Enter your gift code carefully, ensuring no typos. Finally, press "Confirm" to redeem the code. Your rewards will be added to your account. Enjoy your game!