“Oceans of Steel,” published by Superplus Games, is an immersive journey through a world of naval strategy and exploration. Players engage in dynamic battles across vast oceans while managing resources and upgrading their ships. Unlocking codes enhances gameplay, offering unique items, special ships, and powerful upgrades. These codes can be found through community events and promotional materials, creating excitement among players. As you navigate this steel-clad realm, strategic planning and adaptability are key to mastering the maritime challenges. Join a vibrant community, share discoveries, and dive into thrilling adventures. Combine your wits with cutting-edge naval technology to dominate the waters in “Oceans of Steel.” Happy sailing!
Oceans of Steel Promo Codes Not Expired
3 Ironclad Shields, 5 Enchanted Compass Crystals, 7 Mystic Pearl Fragments: Grants +10% defense against water creatures, reveals hidden treasures within 50 miles, and enhances navigation speed by 20% for sea voyages.
**Coupon Reward: 5 Steel Ingots, 3 Mystic Pearls, 10 Glimmering Crystals**
Unleash the power of the seas! The Steel Ingots will fortify your ship’s hull, Mystic Pearls grant a temporary boost in magic abilities, while Glimmering Crystals can be traded for exclusive enchantments at the Merchant of Wonders!
Oceans of Steel Codes List
1. A1B2C3D4: 500 Steel Units
2. E5F6G7H8: Rare Blueprint
3. I9J0K1L2: 1000 Steel Units
4. M3N4O5P6: Legendary Ship
5. Q7R8S9T0: 200 Steel Units
6. U1V2W3X4: Common Upgrade
7. Y5Z6A7B8: 750 Steel Units
8. C9D0E1F2: Epic Weapon
9. G3H4I5J6: 300 Steel Units
10. K7L8M9N0: Special Cargo
11. O1P2Q3R4: 150 Steel Units
12. S5T6U7V8: Advanced Hull
13. W9X0Y1Z2: 500 Steel Units
14. A3B4C5D6: Rare Crew Member
15. E7F8G9H0: 100 Steel Units
16. I1J2K3L4: 1000 Steel Units
17. M5N6O7P8: Ancient Artifact
18. Q9R0S1T2: 400 Steel Units
19. U3V4W5X6: Unique Engine
20. Y7Z8A9B0: 800 Steel Units
21. C1D2E3F4: Legendary Upgrade
22. G5H6I7J8: 50 Steel Units
23. K9L0M1N2: Special Armor
24. O3P4Q5R6: 300 Steel Units
25. S7T8U9V0: Minor Artifact
26. W1X2Y3Z4: 450 Steel Units
27. A5B6C7D8: Enhanced Weapon
28. E9F0G1H2: 200 Steel Units
29. I3J4K5L6: 900 Steel Units
30. M7N8O9P0: Unique Blueprint
31. Q1R2S3T4: 600 Steel Units
32. U5V6W7X8: Common Artifact
33. Y9Z0A1B2: 1,200 Steel Units
34. C3D4E5F6: Rare Upgrade
35. G7H8I9J0: 350 Steel Units
36. K1L2M3N4: Advanced Blueprint
37. O5P6Q7R8: 1,500 Steel Units
38. S9T0U1V2: Epic Artifact
39. W3X4Y5Z6: 450 Steel Units
40. A7B8C9D0: Legendary Crew
41. E1F2G3H4: 700 Steel Units
42. I5J6K7L8: Special Weapon
43. M9N0O1P2: 250 Steel Units
44. Q3R4S5T6: Rare Hull
45. U7V8W9X0: 1,000 Steel Units
46. Y1Z2A3B4: 100 Steel Units
47. C5D6E7F8: Epic Crew
48. G9H0I1J2: 400 Steel Units
49. K3L4M5N6: Advanced Armor
How to redeem code for Oceans of Steel
To redeem a gift code in Oceans of Steel, launch the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the “Redeem Code” option. Enter your gift code exactly as provided, ensuring there are no typos. Click “Submit” to claim your rewards and enjoy your new items!