“Rise of Battlefield: For Honor” is a fictitious title that appears to blend elements of warfare and medieval combat. In this imagined game, players might engage in epic battles across vast fields, wielding swords, axes, and shields. Focused on honor and glory, the game’s content could involve strategically leading armies, one-on-one duels, and siege warfare, with diverse factions vying for supremacy in a historically inspired setting.

Latest of Rise of Battlefield: For Honor Codes Wiki


Unlock the “Mystic War Chest” in Rise of Battlefield: For Honor! Receive a legendary dragon mount, an enchanted sword with flame aura, a set of mythical armor, and a pouch of 5000 gemstones to empower your quest.

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Unlock the “Warrior’s Bounty” Coupon in Rise of Battlefield: For Honor! Redeem for 500 Gold, a Mystical Weapon Chest, 3 Epic Runes, and a Legendary Armor Set. Battle gloriously!

How to Redeem Code for Rise of Battlefield: For Honor

To redeem a gift code in Rise of Battlefield: For Honor, log in to your game account and navigate to the "Redeem Code" section in the game menu. Enter the gift code accurately and confirm to receive your rewards instantly. Make sure the code is valid and not expired. Enjoy your new rewards and use them to enhance your gaming experience in Rise of Battlefield: For Honor!

List of Rise of Battlefield: For Honor Codes

1. Code: RBFH-GIFT-1
Description: Unlock exclusive armor set for your character in Rise of Battlefield: For Honor.
2. Code: HONOR-XG87
Description: Receive a powerful weapon for your warrior in Rise of Battlefield: For Honor.
3. Code: RISEFORCE123
Description: Gain access to a special in-game mount in Rise of Battlefield: For Honor.
4. Code: GLORY4ALL
Description: Acquire a rare cosmetic item to customize your hero in Rise of Battlefield: For Honor.
Description: Double experience boost for a limited time in Rise of Battlefield: For Honor.
Description: Free in-game currency to spend on upgrades in Rise of Battlefield: For Honor.
Description: Unlock a unique emote to taunt your enemies in Rise of Battlefield: For Honor.
Description: Access to a legendary weapon skin for your arsenal in Rise of Battlefield: For Honor.