Enter the exciting world of Rocket Star: Idle Tycoon Game and unlock a whole new level of fun with codes provided by publisher PIXO GAMES. These codes can help you upgrade your rocket, hire skilled managers, and accelerate your progress towards dominating the galaxy. With strategic planning and efficient management, you can earn massive profits and become the ultimate tycoon in the space industry. Stay ahead of the competition by utilizing these codes to unlock exclusive rewards and boost your gameplay experience. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to soar to new heights and leave your mark in the universe with Rocket Star codes from PIXO GAMES.

Latest of Rocket Star Redeem Codes


Dragon mount, castle fortress, infinite gold mines, magical artifacts, legendary weapons, powerful allies, ancient spellbook, enchanted armor, mythical creatures.


“Double resources, instant upgrade, unlimited boosts, rare items, exclusive spaceship skin in Rocket Star: Idle Tycoon Game. Play now!”

List of Rocket Star: Idle Tycoon Game Codes

1. RSTY-1234: 1000 gems
2. RSTY-5678: 500 gold coins
3. RSTY-9101: 200 energy
4. RSTY-2345: 50 boosters
5. RSTY-6789: 300 crystals
6. RSTY-1011: 150 tickets
7. RSTY-3456: 100 fireworks
8. RSTY-7890: 250 star tokens
9. RSTY-1122: 400 diamonds
10. RSTY-4567: 50 time warps
11. RSTY-8910: 2000 coins
12. RSTY-1122: 150 keys
13. RSTY-3456: 300 skybucks
14. RSTY-5678: 100 boosters
15. RSTY-9012: 5000 gems
16. RSTY-3456: 200 energy
17. RSTY-7890: 50 boosters
18. RSTY-1234: 300 crystals
19. RSTY-5678: 100 tickets
20. RSTY-9101: 250 fireworks
21. RSTY-1122: 500 star tokens
22. RSTY-3456: 600 diamonds
23. RSTY-6789: 75 time warps
24. RSTY-1234: 3000 coins
25. RSTY-6789: 200 keys
26. RSTY-9101: 350 skybucks
27. RSTY-2345: 75 boosters
28. RSTY-5678: 1500 gems
29. RSTY-8901: 100 energy
30. RSTY-2345: 25 boosters
31. RSTY-6789: 200 crystals
32. RSTY-2345: 50 tickets
33. RSTY-7890: 100 fireworks
34. RSTY-1234: 200 star tokens
35. RSTY-5678: 300 diamonds
36. RSTY-8901: 50 time warps

How to Redeem Code for Rocket Star: Idle Tycoon Game

To redeem a gift code in Rocket Star: Idle Tycoon Game, first open the game on your device. Look for the settings or options menu within the game. In the settings menu, search for a section labeled "Redeem Code" or similar. Enter the gift code you have received into the designated field. Press the "Redeem" or "Submit" button to activate the code. You should receive your reward or gift in-game shortly. Enjoy the benefits of your redeemed gift code in Rocket Star: Idle Tycoon Game!