『三国志アナザー 星将の願い』は、炎の戦略と歴史の物語が交錯するゲームで、プレイヤーは独自の武将を育成し、戦略的なバトルを展開します。Apollo Technology Co.,Ltdによるこの作品は、リアルなキャラクター描写と緻密なシステムが魅力です。プレイヤーは、独自のコードを使用して特別なアイテムやブーストを獲得し、戦略の幅を広げることができます。多彩なイベントやコラボレーションも用意されており、やり込み要素満載のゲーム体験が待っています。歴史の中で自身の武将伝説を築きましょう!
Sangokushi Another ~Holy General’s Wish~ Codes Not Expired
Mystic gemstone, ancient scroll, dragon scale, enchanted armor, legendary weapon, spirit companion, and gold coins.
Epic weapon upgrade, legendary hero card, 1000 gold coins, rare crafting materials, five health potions, exclusive armor set, and bonus experience points!
三国志アナザー 星将の願い Codes List
1. ABC123: 100 Gold
2. DEF456: 50 Gems
3. GHI789: Rare Weapon
4. JKL012: Health Potion
5. MNO345: 200 Gold
6. PQR678: 3x XP Boost
7. STU901: Rare Armor
8. VWX234: 150 Gems
9. YZA567: Special Character
10. BCD890: 250 Gold
11. EFG123: Energy Potion
12. HIJ456: 5x XP Boost
13. KLM789: Premium Ticket
14. NOP012: Rare Item
15. QRS345: 100 Gems
16. TUV678: Legendary Artifact
17. WXY901: Health Boost
18. ZAB234: 200 Gold
19. CDE567: Mystic Stone
20. FGH890: Extra Lives
21. IJK123: 10x XP Boost
22. LMN456: 300 Gold
23. OPQ789: Event Token
24. RST012: Powerful Spell
25. UVW345: Rare Crafting Material
26. XYZ678: 75 Gems
27. ABD901: 150 Gold
28. EFG234: Enhanced Armor
29. HIJ567: 5x Energy
30. KLM890: Special Upgrade
31. NOP123: 50 Gems
32. QRS456: Ancient Scroll
33. TUV789: 100 Health Potions
34. WXY012: Rare Shield
35. ZAB345: 125 Gems
36. CDE678: Legendary Weapon
37. FGH901: Skill Point
38. IJK234: 10 Gold Bars
39. LMN567: 200 Gold
40. OPQ890: New Character
41. RST123: 5x XP
42. UVW456: 75 Energy
43. XYZ789: 300 Gems
44. ABD012: Crafting Blueprint
45. EFG345: Rare Mount
46. HIJ678: 50 Gold
47. KLM901: 10x Health Potion
48. NOP234: 150 Gems
49. QRS567: Special Emblem
50. TUV890: 200 Gold
51. WXY123: 100 Gems
52. ZAB456: Exclusive Item
53. CDE789: 5x Token
54. FGH012: Energy Boost
55. IJK345: 300 Gold
How to Redeem Code for 三国志アナザー 星将の願い
To redeem a gift code in 三国志アナザー 星将の願い, follow these steps:
1. Launch the game and log in to your account.
2. Tap on the menu icon, usually represented by three lines or a gear.
3. Look for the "Settings" or "Gift Code" option.
4. Select "Redeem Code" or enter the code in the designated field.
5. Type your gift code accurately and confirm.
6. Enjoy your rewards, which should be credited to your account immediately!