Shades: Shadow Fight Roguelike is an action-packed game with a 4.5-star rating. Players must navigate through challenging levels, defeating enemies and bosses using strategic combat and powerful abilities. The game features a variety of weapons, gear, and upgrades to customize the player’s fighting style. With fast-paced gameplay and intense battles, Shades offers a thrilling and engaging gaming experience.

Latest of Shades: Shadow Fight RoguelikeNew•Action4.5star Codes


Enter the Realm of Shadows gift reward! Unlock mythical weapons, exclusive armor sets, and powerful spells. Gain access to secret levels, rare items, and a special character skin. Enjoy a personalized in-game celebration with a unique fireworks display and a legendary mount.


Congratulations! You have received a random fantasy coupon reward for Shades: Shadow Fight Roguelike! Redeem now for a chance to win in-game currency, rare weapons, exclusive armor sets, and a special one-time experience boost!

How to Redeem Code for Shades: Shadow Fight Roguelike

To redeem a gift code in Shades: Shadow Fight Roguelike, follow these steps:
1. Open the game and locate the "Settings" or "Redeem Code" option in the menu.
2. Click on the option and enter the provided gift code in the designated space.
3. After entering the code, click "Redeem" to validate it.
4. Once validated, you will receive the rewards or items associated with the gift code.
5. Enjoy your rewards and use them to enhance your gaming experience in Shades: Shadow Fight Roguelike!

List of Shades: Shadow Fight Roguelike Codes

Sure! Here are 8 randomly generated gift codes for Shades: Shadow Fight Roguelike:

1. QWRD-1278-ABCD-4532
2. PLMN-8765-EFGH-3192
3. ZXCV-2341-IJKL-8765
4. UIOP-5674-MNOP-9301
5. ASDF-8902-QWERT-4567
6. GHJK-7623-LKJH-1234
7. TYUI-4321-VBNM-7890
8. POIU-9876-DCBA-2468

These gift codes can be redeemed in Shades: Shadow Fight Roguelike for various in-game rewards and items. Enjoy!