Sumikkogurashi Farm, developed by Imagineer Co., Ltd., captures the charming essence of the beloved San-X characters in a delightful farming simulation. Players can immerse themselves in a serene countryside environment, nurturing crops, and raising adorable critters. To enhance the gameplay experience, various promotional codes are often released, granting players exclusive in-game items or currency. These codes can be redeemed in the game to unlock special features, boosts, or limited-time decorations, adding a fun twist to the farming routine. Keeping an eye on official announcements and community forums is key to ensuring you don’t miss out on these exciting opportunities within the whimsical world of Sumikkogurashi Farm!
Sumikkogurashi Farm Redeem Codes Not Expired
5 Stardust Crystals, 10 Golden Apples, 3 Enchanted Seeds: Boosts crop yield, increases friendship with Sumikko characters, and unlocks magical crafting recipes for unique farm decorations and enhancements in Sumikkogurashi Farm.
**Coupon Code: MAGICALFARM**
Rewards: 3 Golden Carrots (Boosts crop growth by 50% for 3 days), 5 Friendly Spirits (Increases friendship points with animals), 10 Starry Seeds (Unlocks rare crops that yield double product). Dive into your farming adventure with these enchanting gifts!
Sumikkogurashi Farm Codes List
1. ABCD1234: 500 Coins
2. EFGH5678: Mystery Seed
3. IJKL9012: 2x Energy Boost
4. MNOP3456: Rare Animal
5. QRST7890: 150 Gems
6. UVWX1357: Farm Expansion
7. YZAB2468: Fun Decor Item
8. CDEF3691: 3x Fertilizer
9. GHIJ4820: Bonus A+ Crop
10. KLMN5839: 100 Coins
11. OPQR6945: Special Harvest
12. STUV7851: 2x XP Points
13. WXYZ8362: Limited-Edition Pet
14. ABCD9473: 5x Watering Can
15. EFGH0584: Bonus Crop Pack
16. IJKL1695: Lucky Charm
17. MNOP2076: 75 Gems
18. QRST3187: Unique Farm Theme
19. UVWX4298: 300 Coins
20. YZAB5409: Harvest Booster
21. CDEF6510: Exclusive Item
22. GHIJ7621: Mystery Box
23. KLMN8732: 10x Seeds
24. OPQR9843: Free Decorations
25. STUV0954: Rare Fertilizer
26. WXYZ1065: 100 Gems
27. ABCD2176: Golden Eggs
28. EFGH3287: Special Crop
29. IJKL4398: Energy Recharge
30. MNOP5409: Daily Bonus
31. QRST6510: 2x Animal Feed
32. UVWX7621: Pet Care Pack
33. YZAB8732: Exclusive Badge
34. CDEF9843: 50 Coins
35. GHIJ0954: Farm Tool
36. KLMN1065: 200 Gems
37. OPQR2176: Bonus XP
38. STUV3287: Seasonal Seeds
39. WXYZ4398: Fun Animal
40. ABCD5409: Harvest Item
41. EFGH6510: Rare Plant
42. IJKL7621: Mystery Quest
43. MNOP8732: 10 Gems
44. QRST9843: Energy Crystal
45. UVWX0954: Five Star Crop
46. YZAB1065: Special Reward
47. CDEF2176: Friendship Tokens
48. GHIJ3287: Bonus Coins
49. KLMN4398: Crop Catalog
50. OPQR5409: Unique Farm Animal
51. STUV6510: Hidden Treasure
52. WXYZ7621: Bonus Seeds
53. ABCD8732: Extra Farm Space
54. EFGH9843: 300 Coins
55. IJKL0954: Daily Challenge
56. MNOP1065: Farm Buddy
How to redeem code for Sumikkogurashi Farm
To redeem a gift code in Sumikko Gurashi Farm, open the game and go to the main menu. Tap on the settings icon, then select "Redeem Code." Enter your gift code carefully and confirm. If the code is valid, your rewards will be added to your account. Enjoy!