NameTales of Dragon – Fantasy RPG
CategoryNew Game
Size758 MB
ReleaseX-Legend Entertainment Co., Ltd.
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Tales of Dragon – Fantasy RPG

The Immersive World of Tales of Dragon

Tales of Dragon immerses players in a magical world teeming with mythical creatures, powerful heroes, and epic quests. The game’s stunning graphics and dynamic combat system set the stage for a thrilling adventure unlike any other. Players can expect a rich gaming experience as they explore the vast and open world of Tales of Dragon.

Create Your Own Unique Character

One of the standout features of Tales of Dragon is the ability for players to create their own unique character. With a selection of different races and classes to choose from, players can tailor their character to suit their preferred playstyle. Each race and class combination in the game offers distinct abilities and skills, allowing for a high degree of customization and personalization.

Embark on Quests and Missions

As players journey through the world of Tales of Dragon, they will encounter a diverse cast of NPCs who provide quests and valuable information. These quests range from simple tasks to complex, story-driven missions, adding depth and substance to the game’s narrative. Players will find themselves fully immersed in a world where every quest brings them one step closer to unraveling the mysteries of the land.

Engage in Strategic Combat

Combat in Tales of Dragon is a dynamic and strategic affair. Players can utilize a combination of magical spells and weapon skills to defeat their enemies. The game challenges players to make strategic decisions, choosing the right abilities and tactics to overcome various challenges. Whether facing off against monsters in the wild or tackling formidable bosses in dungeons, players must hone their skills to emerge victorious.

Forge Alliances and Cooperate

In Tales of Dragon, players have the option to team up with friends or other players online to tackle challenging bosses and complete dungeons together. This cooperative gameplay fosters a sense of community and camaraderie amongst players. Working together to overcome obstacles and achieve common goals adds an extra layer of excitement to the gaming experience.

Experience a Robust Crafting System

The game features a robust crafting system that allows players to gather resources and create powerful items. This crafting system encourages exploration and provides players with the opportunity to enhance their gear and strengthen their characters. Whether crafting weapons, armor, or other items, players can delve into the world of crafting to further enrich their gameplay experience.


Tales of Dragon is a captivating fantasy RPG game that offers a comprehensive gaming experience. From creating unique characters to embarking on thrilling quests and engaging in strategic combat, the game provides everything a fantasy enthusiast could ask for. With its immersive world, dynamic gameplay mechanics, and compelling storyline, Tales of Dragon promises a gaming experience that will satisfy both casual and hardcore gamers alike.

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