Thronebreaker, the critically acclaimed RPG from CD PROJEKT S.A., offers players a deep and immersive gaming experience in the world of The Witcher. By utilizing codes provided by the publisher, players can unlock exclusive content, bonus items, and in-game rewards to enhance their journey through the rich and sprawling narrative of Thronebreaker. Discover the secrets hidden within the codes and conquer every challenge that comes your way.

Latest of The Witcher Tales: Thronebreaker Codes

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An enchanted chest containing 5 powerful spell scrolls, 3 legendary weapons, and 1 rare creature card for your deck.


Receive a legendary sword, a dragon mount, 1000 gold coins, and an enchanted amulet for your journey in Thronebreaker!

How to Redeem Code for Thronebreaker

To redeem a gift code for Thronebreaker, open the game on the platform of choice. Navigate to the in-game store or redeem code section, enter the code provided, and follow the on-screen instructions to claim your gift.

List of Thronebreaker Codes

1. Code: TBG1K4F52
This code unlocks a special armor set for Meve, enhancing her defense and resilience in battles.

2. Code: TBX3R8D96
Redeem this code to receive a rare treasure map that leads to hidden riches and powerful artifacts.

3. Code: TBZ6S2P77
Use this code to acquire a legendary sword, capable of dealing devastating damage to all enemies in its path.

4. Code: TBY9L1H83
Unlock a mysterious amulet with this code, granting Meve enhanced magical abilities and protection in combat.

5. Code: TBQ7N5T24
Receive a pack of premium cards for Gwent by entering this code, expanding your strategic options in battles.

6. Code: TBF2M6R11
Redeem this code for a unique companion pet to accompany Meve on her journey, offering support and bonuses in quests.

7. Code: TBP4Q3W68
Get access to an exclusive in-game soundtrack with this code, immersing yourself in the epic world of Thronebreaker with its captivating music.