In The Witch’s Knight, a thrilling game by DAERI SOFT Inc, players embark on an enchanting journey filled with magic, adventure, and strategic combat. To enhance your gameplay experience, utilizing codes can unlock exciting rewards, from powerful items to character upgrades. These codes are periodically released through special promotions or community events. To redeem them, navigate to the designated code input section in the game’s menu. Keep an eye on the official DAERI SOFT website and social media channels for updates on new codes and events. Immerse yourself in the mystical world, master your skills, and become the ultimate Witch’s Knight! Happy gaming!

The Witch’s Knight Gift Codes Not Expired

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Ethereal Silver Sword, Enchanted Potion of Resilience, Celestial Grimoire of Arcane Secrets, Mystic Armor of Shadows.

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Mystic Potion, Enchanted Amulet, Dragon Scale Armor, Elven Bow, Phoenix Feather, Shadow Cloak, Crystal Shard, Healing Elixir, Rune Stone, Silver Sword.

The Witch's Knight Codes List

1. WK123-ALPHA: 50 Gold Coins
2. WK456-BRAVO: Mystic Potion
3. WK789-CHARLIE: Enchanted Sword
4. WK321-DELTA: Healing Salve
5. WK654-ECHO: 100 XP Points
6. WK987-FOXTROT: Shadow Cloak
7. WK159-GAMMA: Fireball Spell
8. WK753-OMEGA: Crystal Key
9. WK852-JULIET: Dragon Scale
10. WK246-KILO: 10 Health Potions
11. WK369-LIMA: Rune of Protection
12. WK147-MIKE: 5 Elixirs
13. WK258-NOVEMBER: Star Dust
14. WK369-OSCAR: 250 Gold Coins
15. WK159-PAPA: Windwalk Boots
16. WK753-QUEEN: Ancient Tome
17. WK486-ROGER: 20 Spirit Crystals
18. WK159-SIERRA: Shadow Dagger
19. WK852-TANGO: Armor Upgrade
20. WK963-UNIFORM: 10 Life Tokens
21. WK147-VICTOR: Healing Spell
22. WK258-WISKEY: Ghostly Figure
23. WK369-XRAY: 15 Magic Orbs
24. WK123-YANKEE: Warding Pendant
25. WK456-ZULU: 300 XP Points
26. WK789-ANDROMEDA: Lightning Bolt Spell
27. WK321-BEETLE: 7 Herb Bundles
28. WK654-CRANE: 20 Gold Pieces
29. WK987-DOLPHIN: Shadow Armor
30. WK159-EAGLE: Potion of Speed
31. WK753-FALCON: 3 Rare Gems
32. WK852-GRIZZLY: Spectral Shield
33. WK369-HORIZON: Mystic Amulet

How to Redeem Code for The Witch's Knight

To redeem a gift code in The Witch's Knight, launch the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the “Settings” or “Options” tab, where you'll find a section labeled “Redeem Code” or “Gift Code.” Click on it, then enter your gift code accurately in the provided text field. Confirm your entry and wait for the confirmation message that indicates successful redemption. Afterward, check your inventory or rewards section to claim your items or bonuses. Enjoy your adventure!