《三國戰令:戰略版》是由GAMEXDD GAME出品的一款策略型手機遊戲,玩家在這裡可以體驗到三國時期的激烈戰爭與智慧對決。遊戲中,你可以招募歷史名將,建立自己的軍隊,並運用豐富的策略計劃攻城略地。為了助力玩家發展,遊戲不定期推出限時代碼,這些代碼能帶來豐富的資源、道具或特別獎勵。玩家可以將這些代碼輸入到遊戲內的指定頁面,以獲得實質優惠。持續關注官方消息,掌握最新的代碼資訊,提升你的遊戲體驗!

Three Kingdoms Battle Order Promo Codes Not Expired

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Ancient scroll of wisdom, mythical dragon mount, legendary sword of fate, enchanted healing potion, guild banner.


Exclusive mount, 500 gold, rare artifact, enhanced weapon, 1000 experience points, legendary hero card, premium crafting materials, battle strategy guide.

三國戰令:戰略版 Codes List

1. ABCD1234: 100 Gold
2. EFGH5678: 50 Gems
3. IJKL9123: 10,000 Food
4. MNOP4567: 25 Silver
5. QRST8910: Rare Hero Card
6. UVWX2345: 5 Battle Tickets
7. YZAB6789: 500 Wood
8. CDEF3456: 3x Speed Up
9. GHIJ7890: 1,000 Stone
10. KLMN0123: Mystic Scroll
11. OPQR4567: 20,000 Wood
12. STUV8910: 10x Experience Boost
13. WXYZ2345: 1 Legendary Item
14. ABCD6789: 100 Energy
15. EFGH0123: Elite Troop Card
16. IJKL4567: 150 Gold
17. MNOP8910: 2x Resource Boost
18. QRST2345: 15 Gems
19. UVWX6789: 30,000 Food
20. YZAB0123: 5 Rare Tokens
21. CDEF4567: 200 Silver
22. GHIJ8910: 1 Hero Upgrade
23. KLMN2345: 50 Wood
24. OPQR6789: 10 Battle Pass
25. STUV0123: 5x Battle Tickets
26. WXYZ4567: 1 Artifact
27. ABCD8910: 2,000 Stone
28. EFGH2345: 100 Experience
29. IJKL6789: 1,000 Gold
30. MNOP0123: 25 Gems
31. QRST4567: 3 Rare Heroes
32. UVWX8910: 50 Food
33. YZAB2345: 5x Resource Boost
34. CDEF6789: 1 Legendary Card
35. GHIJ0123: 150 Stone
36. KLMN4567: 20,000 Silver
37. OPQR8910: 15x Speed Up
38. STUV2345: 5 Elite Troops
39. WXYZ6789: 500 Gold
40. ABCD0123: 1,000 Food
41. EFGH4567: 3 Battle Boost
42. IJKL8910: 200 Gems
43. MNOP2345: 5,000 Wood
44. QRST6789: 10 Rare Cards
45. UVWX0123: 1,000 Stone
46. YZAB4567: 15,000 Food
47. CDEF8910: 4 Speed Ups
48. GHIJ2345: 100 Silver

How to Redeem Code for 三國戰令:戰略版

To redeem a gift code in 三國戰令:戰略版, follow these steps:

1. Open the game and log into your account.
2. Tap on your profile avatar in the top left corner to access the menu.
3. Select the "Redeem Code" option from the menu.
4. Enter your gift code in the designated field.
5. Confirm your entry and submit the code.

If successful, you will receive your rewards in-game. Enjoy your benefits and enhance your gaming experience!