Tower Duel, an engaging game by Crit Crew, offers players a thrilling experience with strategic tower battles. To enhance gameplay, players can utilize special codes that unlock exclusive items, bonuses, and characters. These codes are time-limited and can significantly boost your progress in the game. Make sure to regularly check the official Crit Crew social media channels or the game’s community forums for the latest codes. To redeem them, navigate to the settings menu and enter the code in the designated section. Stay ahead of the competition by using these codes to upgrade your towers, improve your skills, and dominate in battles! Happy gaming!

Tower Duel – Multiplayer PvP Defence TD Battles Promo Codes Not Expired


5 Mystic Crystals, granting +10 mana, 3 Elven Blades, increasing attack speed by 15%, 1 Enchanted Amulet, offering a shield of 25 HP, and 10 Healing Herbs for gradual health regeneration during battles.


Congratulations, brave warrior! You’ve unlocked a magical coupon: 150 Gold Coins for upgrading your tower, 3 Elixir Potions for summoning powerful allies, and a rare Enchanted Crystal that boosts your spell potency by 25% for 30 seconds. Use wisely and conquer your foes!

Tower Duel Codes List

1. A1B2C3: 100 Gems
2. D4E5F6: 50 Gold
3. G7H8I9: Epic Card Pack
4. J0K1L2: 10 Battle Tickets
5. M3N4O5: Rare Skin
6. P6Q7R8: 500 XP
7. S9T0U1: Legendary Upgrade
8. V2W3X4: 20 Gems
9. Y5Z6A7: Double Damage Boost
10. B8C9D0: Hero Unlock
11. E1F2G3: Starter Pack
12. H4I5J6: 5 Extra Lives
13. K7L8M9: 200 Coins
14. N0O1P2: 15 Power-ups
15. Q3R4S5: Rare Monster Card
16. T6U7V8: 300 XP
17. W9X0Y1: 5 Star Boosters
18. Z2A3B4: 100 Health Points
19. C5D6E7: Special Event Gift
20. F8G9H0: 10 Exclusive Skins
21. I1J2K3: 1 Free Arena Entry
22. L4M5N6: 5 Card Upgrades
23. O7P8Q9: 150 Gems
24. R0S1T2: Legendary Relic
25. U3V4W5: 1000 Coins
26. X6Y7Z8: 3 Booster Packs
27. A9B0C1: 2x XP Weekend
28. D2E3F4: 40 Gems
29. G5H6I7: 7 Extra Tickets
30. J8K9L0: 100 Health Boost
31. M1N2O3: Seasonal Card Set
32. P4Q5R6: Mystic Shield
33. S7T8U9: Gold Rush Bonus
34. V0W1X2: Hidden Treasure
35. Y3Z4A5: 250 XP
36. B6C7D8: 10 Brawler Buffs
37. E9F0G1: 1 Week VIP Access
38. H2I3J4: Free Spin Wheel
39. K5L6M7: 15 Card Slots
40. N8O9P0: Ultimate Battle Pack
41. Q1R2S3: Quick Revive Token

How to redeem code for Tower Duel

To redeem a gift code in Tower Duel, launch the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the "Redeem Code" option. Enter your gift code carefully in the provided text box and confirm. Once verified, your rewards will be added to your account. Enjoy your gifts!