Train Merger Idle Train Tycoon is a captivating mobile game published by No Six Five, offering players a unique experience in managing and expanding their train empire. Dive into a world of strategic decision-making as you merge and upgrade trains to create a powerful fleet. To enhance your gameplay, here are some exclusive codes for bonus rewards: “RAILROAD10” for free gems, “LOCOMOTIVE25” for a cash boost, and “STATIONMASTER50” for rare train unlocks. Stay ahead of the competition by utilizing these codes to unlock new opportunities and dominate the railway industry. Jump on board, merge your trains, and become the ultimate tycoon in Train Merger Idle Train Tycoon!

Latest of Train Merger – Idle Manager Tycoon Redeem Codes


Golden dragon mount, time-traveling locomotive, enchanted conductor’s hat, diamond-encrusted railway tracks, legendary whistle of unlimited speed.

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Double train speed for 1 hour, unlock rare train skins, double coins earned, instant level up, free track expansions.

List of Train Merger Idle Train Tycoon Codes

1. ABCD1234: +1000 coins
2. EFGH5678: +5 gems
3. IJKL9012: Double XP for 1 hour
4. MNOP3456: +5000 coins
5. QRST7890: Mystery chest
6. UVWX1234: +10 gems
7. YZAB5678: Instant train upgrade
8. CDEF9012: +2000 coins
9. GHIJ3456: VIP pass for 24 hours
10. KLMN7890: +15 gems
11. OPQR1234: Extra train slot
12. STUV5678: +3000 coins
13. WXYZ9012: Double train speed for 1 hour
14. BCDE3456: +20 gems
15. FGHI7890: Legendary train skin
16. JKLM1234: +5000 coins
17. NOPQ5678: Mystery gift box
18. RSTU9012: +25 gems
19. VWXY3456: Special train engine
20. ZABC7890: +8000 coins
21. CDEF1234: Golden train tracks
22. GHIJ5678: +30 gems
23. KLMN9012: 50% discount on train upgrades
24. OPQR3456: +10,000 coins
25. STUV7890: Rare train wagons
26. WXYZ1234: +40 gems
27. BCDE5678: Exclusive train route
28. FGHI9012: +15,000 coins
29. JKLM3456: Unlimited fuel for 1 hour
30. NOPQ7890: +50 gems

How to Redeem Code for Train Merger Idle Train Tycoon

To redeem a gift code in Train Merger Idle Train Tycoon, open the game and navigate to the settings menu. Look for the "Redeem Code" option and tap on it. Enter the gift code in the designated field and click on the "Redeem" button. If the code is valid, you will receive the corresponding rewards in your account. Make sure to check for any expiry dates or restrictions on the code before redeeming it. Enjoy your bonuses and happy gaming!