Transformers: Earth Wars, developed by Space Ape Games, invites players to dive into an action-packed strategy experience. To enhance your gameplay, utilize special codes that can unlock valuable resources, exclusive characters, and powerful upgrades. These codes often reward players with premium currency, shards, and other essential items to bolster their Autobots or Decepticons. Keep an eye on official social media channels and forums for the latest codes, as they can provide significant advantages during battles. Remember to input the codes promptly, as they may have expiration dates. Join the vibrant community of fans and elevate your Transformers: Earth Wars journey! Transform and conquer today!

Transformers Earth Wars Codes Not Expired


5 energon crystals, 2 cosmic shards, 1 ancient relic of transformation: grants 10% increased damage to Autobots for 24 hours, enhances repair speed by 50%, and unlocks a new transformation ability for special characters.


**Coupon Reward:** 500 Energon, 300 Alloy, 150 Premium Crystals. Use these resources to strengthen your Transformers! Energon powers your battles, Alloy upgrades your defenses, and Premium Crystals offer rare bots and upgrades, giving your team the edge in the ongoing war for Earth!

TRANSFORMERS: Earth Wars Codes List

1. XYZ123: 100 Crystals
2. ABC456: 500 Energon
3. DEF789: 5 Shards
4. GHI012: 10,000 Gold
5. JKL345: 50 Alliance Coins
6. MNO678: 2 Autobot Shards
7. PQR901: 15,000 Spark
8. STU234: 1 Premium Crystal
9. VWX567: 100 Power Cells
10. YZA890: 10 Combat Tokens
11. BCD123: 200 Energon
12. EFG456: 300 Crystals
13. HIJ789: 50 Gold
14. KLM012: 20,000 Spark
15. NOP345: 3 Rare Shards
16. QRS678: 5 Alliance Coins
17. TUV901: 10,000 Gold
18. WXY234: 1 Elite Crystal
19. ZAB567: 400 Energon
20. CDE890: 600 Crystals
21. FGH123: 30 Power Cells
22. IJK456: 7 Autobot Shards
23. LMN789: 1 rare Alloy
24. OPQ012: 4 Combat Tokens
25. RST345: 1 Premium Crystal
26. UVW678: 20,000 Spark
27. XYZ901: 5 Alliance Coins
28. ABC234: 150 Crystals
29. DEF567: 80 Gold
30. GHI890: 500 Energon
31. JKL123: 10 Shards
32. MNO456: 25 Power Cells
33. PQR789: 300 Spark
34. STU012: 10,000 Gold
35. VWX345: 1 Elite Crystal
36. YZA678: 5 Rare Shards
37. BCD901: 1 Premium Crystal
38. EFG234: 15 Combat Tokens
39. HIJ567: 1000 Energon
40. KLM890: 2 Autobot Shards
41. NOP123: 350 Crystals
42. QRS456: 20 Alliance Coins
43. TUV789: 5 Shards
44. WXY012: 7 Power Cells
45. ZAB345: 5,000 Spark
46. CDE678: 1 Platinum Crystal
47. FGH901: 200 Energon
48. IJK234: 1 Rare Loot
49. LMN567: 2 Elite Shards
50. OPQ890: 4 Autobot Tokens
51. RST123: 10,000 Gold
52. UVW456: 75 Crystals
53. XYZ789: 100 Power Cells
54. ABC012: 20,000 Spark
55. DEF345: 10 Rare Tokens
56. GHI678: 300 Energon
57. JKL901: 1 Premium Crystal

How to redeem code for TRANSFORMERS: Earth Wars

To redeem a gift code in TRANSFORMERS: Earth Wars, open the game and go to the settings menu. Tap on "Redeem Code" or "Gift Code." Enter your code carefully and confirm. You’ll receive your rewards instantly if the code is valid. Enjoy your new in-game items!


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