In the captivating world of “War of the Giant,” developed by Giant Network, players embark on an epic adventure filled with mythical creatures and fierce battles. This strategy-based game invites players to build their armies, forge alliances, and unlock powerful abilities through a variety of unique codes. These publisher codes not only enhance gameplay but also offer exclusive items and resources, allowing players to dominate their opponents and strengthen their territories. With regular updates and events, the excitement never ends. Whether you’re a seasoned strategist or a newcomer, using these codes wisely can turn the tide in your favor, ensuring you emerge victorious in this thrilling fantasy realm.
War of the Giant Redeem Codes Not Expired
5 Elven Sapphire Amulets, granting +10 agility; 3 Mystic scrolls of Fireball, unleashing fiery devastation; 7 healing potions, restoring 50 HP; 2 enchanted shields, boosting defense by 15% in battle; and 1 dragonbone sword, +20 attack.
Claim your rewards in the War of the Giant: 1000 Gold Coins for swift trade, a Mystic Amulet granting +5 to magic defense, and 3 Elven Arrows for precision strikes. Use wisely to conquer enemies and bolster your defenses in the epic conflict ahead!
War of the Giant Codes List
1. WOG1234: 100 Gems
2. GIGANTIC15: Rare Monster Card
3. COLLOSSUS20: 500 Gold
4. TITANNEW2023: Boost Potion
5. WARRIOR2024: 2x Experience
6. MEGAWIN99: 10 Battle Tokens
7. SKYFALL22: 300 Energy
8. GRAVITY48: Legendary Item
9. GIGAPOWER33: 5 Wild Cards
10. FORTRESS11: 50 Health Points
11. JUMBOFUN55: Daily Reward
12. MONSTERMUNCH: 200 Gems
13. BATTLEWON9: Specialty Armor
14. BERSERKER88: 1000 Gold
15. STORMFORCE77: Power Boost
16. OMEGA10X: 15 Epic Cards
17. RAGINGBULL99: 10x Boost Potion
18. IRONCLAD65: 300 Energy
19. FURYFIGHTER: 5 Extra Lives
20. VORTEX88: Rare Weapon
21. FANTASY123: 100 Gems
22. LEGENDARY88: 200 Gold
23. DREAMWORLD33: Exclusive Skin
24. GLORYTRIUMPH: 1000 Points
25. RULER13: 2x Bonus Rewards
26. VICTORY99: Surprise Box
27. REBEL12: 5 Extra Tokens
28. CRUSADER74: Ultimate Strategy Guide
How to redeem code for War of the Giant
To redeem a gift code in War of the Giant, launch the game and navigate to the main menu. Look for the "Settings" or "Redeem Code" option. Enter your code accurately in the provided field and confirm the redemption. Your rewards will be credited to your account shortly! Enjoy!