Ys Online: The Ark of Napishtim, published by ZlongGames, offers players a captivating journey through the rich world of the beloved Ys franchise. Set in a vibrant, anime-inspired universe, the game combines classic action RPG elements with a fresh twist, allowing players to explore, battle, and interact in real-time. Utilizing various character classes, players can customize their experience and engage in thrilling quests. To enhance your adventure, don’t forget to redeem exclusive codes that provide valuable in-game rewards, such as rare items, experience boosts, and unique costumes. Stay connected with the community for the latest codes and updates to maximize your gaming experience in Ys Online!
Ys Online: The Ark of Napishtim Codes Wiki Not Expired
Ethereal Sword, Enchanted Potion, Celestial Amulet, Mystic Tome, Ancient Map, Guardian’s Shield, Legendary Pet.
Golden Dragon Scale, Enchanted Healing Potion, Mystic Spell Scroll, Legendary Weapon Upgrade, Rare Gemstone, Ancient Artifact, Summoning Token, XP Booster.
Ys Online:The Ark of Napishtim Codes List
1. XY123-ABCD: 500 Gold
2. GH456-EFGH: Flame Sword
3. JK789-IJKL: Health Potion
4. MN012-QRST: 1000 XP
5. OP345-UVWX: Silver Shield
6. QR678-YZAB: Mystic Robe
7. ST901-CDEF: Rare Gem
8. UV234-GH12: Skill Book
9. WX567-IJK3: Dragon Amulet
10. YZ890-LMNO: 3x Lucky Tickets
11. AB123-PQRS: Enchanted Bow
12. CD456-TUVW: 200 Health Points
13. EF789-XABC: Gold Key
14. GH012-DEFG: Experience Boost
15. IJ345-HIJL: Ancient Scroll
16. KL678-MNOP: Pet Food
17. MN901-QRST: 10x Elixir
18. OP234-UVWX: Crystal Fragment
19. QR567-YZAB: Defense Totem
20. ST890-CDEF: 7-Day Premium
21. UV012-GH12: Magic Wand
22. WX345-IJK3: Armor Upgrade
23. YZ678-LMNO: 1500 Gold
24. AB901-PQRS: Healing Balm
25. CD234-TUVW: 250 XP
26. EF567-XABC: Warrior's Helmet
27. GH890-DEFG: Pet Egg
28. IJ123-HIJL: 5x Scrolls
29. KL456-MNOP: Strength Potion
30. MN789-QRST: Shadow Mantle
31. OP012-UVWX: 1000 Gold
32. QR345-YZAB: Firestone
33. ST678-CDEF: Attack Boost
34. UV901-GH12: Time Capsule
How to Redeem Code for Ys Online:The Ark of Napishtim
To redeem a gift code in Ys Online: The Ark of Napishtim, launch the game and log into your account. On the main menu, look for the “Settings” or “Gift Code” option. Click on it to open the code entry window. Enter your gift code carefully, ensuring no mistakes, then confirm your entry. If the code is valid, you will receive your rewards automatically. Enjoy your gifts and continue your adventure in the world of Ys!