楓之谷R:經典新定義 is an exciting mobile game published by RASTAR GAMES HK, known for its dedication to providing players with a high-quality gaming experience. The codes provided by the publisher are a testament to their commitment to enhancing the gameplay for users. These codes may unlock special items, exclusive in-game currency, or other bonuses that can help players progress faster and enjoy the game even more. RASTAR GAMES HK values fairness, integrity, and customer satisfaction, making sure that players are rewarded for their dedication and skill. By incorporating these codes, players can immerse themselves in a world of adventure and exploration, taking their gaming experience to new heights.

Latest of Maple Valley R: Classic New Definition Codes Wiki

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A majestic dragon mount, a legendary sword imbued with power, a rare mythical pet with unique abilities and powers.


50% off on a rare mount, free mystical weapon upgrade, unlimited potions for a week, exclusive character customization options.

List of 楓之谷R:經典新定義 Codes

1. KZ1H8G7: 1000 精靈幣
2. D6RM4A9: 500 聖誕袋子
3. F3NQ2P5: 200 楓葉
4. B7KP1Z4: 300 寵物糖果
5. G2LQ9D3: 1500 珠寶箱
6. V9CB2F8: 100 福袋
7. R5MG7T2: 400 裝扮道具
8. J8NP3R6: 250 裝扮券
9. C4BK6V9: 800 色彩罐
10. M1HS9W5: 600 紅蘋果
11. Z7CF8P1: 350 飛行靴
12. L2TK9Q7: 1200 金幣
13. X6JC3H9: 700 禮篮
14. P4FG5V2: 50 購物券
15. S9DP6N4: 100 貓頭鷹
16. E3BW2X7: 1800 訓練石
17. U8PL4M1: 450 貓頭鷹之翼
18. Y5VN7K3: 1600 裝備強化石
19. R1ZB3H6: 650 靈魂之火
20. T7QF2J5: 900 鎖定之心
21. D5KG9P2: 550 艾克雷斯之劍
22. G8PB4D9: 1300 劍舞者外套
23. A3LS6T1: 750 精靈項鍊
24. M9SH4Q2: 2500 星辰之碎片
25. C2SK7F9: 850 大師之冠
26. V6PK1T3: 1400 蘇菲亞之拳套
27. W4JR5M9: 600 灰燼殘煞
28. B9QP3Z7: 700 暗黑之角
29. N2MD6G4: 2000 冰凍之星
30. L8GH2R6: 950 閃電神符
31. X3CN7B5: 1600 神聖使者法杖
32. K5WJ8D2: 500 舞姬之鞋
33. P7CT2L9: 1200 拜雷之環
34. E1SV4H6: 3500 聖光之盾
35. T9LR3J2: 800 無限靈氣
36. U5BF9P3: 1100 受祝福的胸甲
37. S3CG6T1: 900 龍之呼吸項鍊
38. Y8MV2N7: 400 死神之角盔
39. J6FN4K8: 750 骯髒之心
40. G4XD8L2: 1400 惡魔之手套
41. F9NB5J2: 2000 皇家之劍
42. C1ZM6H9: 1600 極限道具鍊
43. A7CK4D9: 550 雷霆獸靴子
44. W3XM2N8: 950 奇幻法師帽
45. T4LF6H3: 1200 王牌弓箭手披風
46. Q2BS8T6: 700 腥紅吸血鬼環
47. P9DG4J5: 1800 暴風使者風斗
48. Z5VK1C6: 1400

How to Redeem Code for 楓之谷R:經典新定義

To redeem a gift code in 楓之谷R:經典新定義, first, open the game on your device. Locate the "Settings" or "Options" menu within the game interface. Look for the "Redeem Code" or "Enter Code" button. Click on it and type in the unique gift code you received. Confirm the code and wait for the system to validate it. Once verified, you should receive the rewards associated with the gift code in your in-game mailbox or inventory. Enjoy your rewards!