In the expansive world of Tower of God: Great Journey, players embark on an epic quest filled with adventure and intrigue. Developed by NGELGAMES, this mobile RPG brings the beloved webtoon to life, allowing fans to explore the Tower’s mysteries while collecting and battling iconic characters. To enhance your gaming experience, NGELGAMES often releases special codes that provide players with valuable in-game rewards such as rare items, currency, and boosts. Stay updated by following their official channels for the latest codes and events. Dive into the journey, form powerful teams, and uncover the secrets that lie within the Tower’s heights with each code unlock!

Tower of God: Great Journey Codes Wiki Not Expired

tpV8Wa9hXXX Get

Mystic gem, ancient scroll, enchanted weapon, rare mount, healing elixir, secret map, skill book.

k2mnLTcaXXX Get

“1000 Gold Coins, Epic Weapon Blueprint, Rare Companion Summon Scroll, Healing Potion Pack, Legendary Armor Piece, Ancient Artifact Upgrade Kit!”

Tower of God: Great Journey Codes List

1. GIFT1: 500 Gold
2. CODE2: 10 Summon Tickets
3. CODE3: Rare Character Shard
4. CODE4: 1000 Gems
5. GIFT5: 5x Premium Equipment
6. GIFT6: 20x Energy Potions
7. CODE7: 50 Dust
8. CODE8: 3x 5-Star Hero Selector
9. GIFT9: 200 EXP Boost
10. CODE10: 10x Outfit Coupon
11. CODE11: 300 Gold
12. CODE12: 15 Summon Tickets
13. CODE13: Hero Upgrade Materials
14. CODE14: 1500 Gems
15. GIFT15: 2x Rare Weapon Box
16. GIFT16: 25x Skill Potions
17. CODE17: 75 Dust
18. CODE18: 5x 4-Star Character Selector
19. GIFT19: 100 EXP Boost
20. CODE20: 5x Elemental Stones
21. GIFT21: 500 Gold
22. CODE22: 10 Summon Tickets
23. CODE23: Rare Armor Shard
24. CODE24: 2000 Gems
25. GIFT25: 10x Premium Equipment
26. GIFT26: 30x Energy Potions
27. CODE27: 100 Dust
28. CODE28: 4x 5-Star Hero Selector
29. GIFT29: 250 EXP Boost
30. CODE30: 20x Outfit Coupon
31. CODE31: 750 Gold
32. CODE32: 12 Summon Tickets
33. CODE33: 2x Rare Character Shard
34. CODE34: 3000 Gems
35. GIFT35: 5x Rare Weapon Box
36. GIFT36: 35x Skill Potions
37. CODE37: 125 Dust
38. CODE38: 6x 4-Star Character Selector
39. GIFT39: 150 EXP Boost
40. CODE40: 7x Elemental Stones
41. GIFT41: 300 Gold
42. CODE42: 14 Summon Tickets
43. CODE43: Magical Accessory Shard
44. CODE44: 2500 Gems
45. GIFT45: 15x Premium Equipment
46. GIFT46: 40x Energy Potions
47. CODE47: 150 Dust
48. CODE48: 8x 5-Star Hero Selector
49. GIFT49: 350 EXP Boost
50. CODE50: 12x Outfit Coupon
51. CODE51: 1000 Gold
52. CODE52: 20 Summon Tickets
53. CODE53: Epic Character Shard
54. CODE54: 3500 Gems
55. GIFT55: 5x Epic Weapon Box
56. GIFT56: 50x Skill Potions

How to Redeem Code for Tower of God: Great Journey

To redeem a gift code in Tower of God: Great Journey, launch the game and log into your account. Tap on your profile icon in the top left corner to access the settings menu. Look for the "Gift Code" or "Redeem Code" option and select it. Enter your gift code accurately in the provided field and confirm your entry. If the code is valid, you'll receive your rewards shortly after. Enjoy your enhancements and continue your adventure!




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