NameWarnet Life
ReleaseAkhir Pekan Studio

An exciting internet cafe simulator. Warnet Life is an entertaining simulator with addictive gameplay developed for Android mobile devices.

In this simulator, you will be given the opportunity to be the owner of your own Internet cafe. Surely, as a child, you repeatedly dreamed about this. Here is a virtual dream come true for you. You will have a small room that you can equip in any way, in order to eventually make the most prestigious and popular cafe.

At the initial stage, you will have some cash, which is enough to purchase one computer. Gradually, you will accumulate enough money and be able to purchase more computers, and beautifully equip the gaming areas. Your task is to create a cool Internet cafe that will be visited by hundreds of people every day. Management is carried out with the help of taps.

Warnet Life MOD

Jalan cerita game ini keren banget.Gw suka game ini.walaupun graphic nya tidak terlalu bagus,tapi lucu.ayo dong warnet life 2 nya. The game is very Funny when you battleing mr.majek but it's un fair cuz his health is recoverying so fast but the dj granade is usefull but please make the price even less on the shop in the electronics I guess.. please and make sure that the update is even faster cuz im waiting all day. The best and sad game ever I love it But I wish you can fix the ads went i quit that ad make my game have no sounds Plssss fix it. Aku main game kerana MiawAuggg.. Game nya seronok, tpi sekarang semakin byk iklan.. Dan ada iklan yg x dapat d skip bikin ngesalin kerana terpaksa restart game... gamenya udah bagus gak ada bug atau glitch meskipun ada sedikit jika di emulator, dan tolong diperbaiki, contoh seperti control di emulator yang tidak bisa jalan jika pakai WASD, dan jika di steam kok harus bayar sih bang kan aku masih umur 8-9 tahun bang, terus jika di emulator atau di hp kok gratis???..

Warnet Life APK

Ich kann dieses Spiel wirklich empfehlen, auch wenn ich es noch nicht gespielt habe, kann ich mir schon vorstellen, wie cool es ist. Nachdem es erscheint, stellt sich heraus, dass es ganz normal ist, also gebe ich ihm 2. Im sorry for 2 rate,because ... when i wanna decor is glitch when i try again is glitch can you fix it? Please. Bang Andy aku udah main sampe chapter 1 selesai tapi pas aku play dia ga mau mulai jadi layar nya item, tapi game nya seru bgt. This game is good but the bugs messing around it will be five stars if it rework and had more and more good updates.

Warnet Life APK

Hi Andy lukito game lu buat bagus sangat!!!!!Tapi gw gak bisa download bakso simulator.Dan juga lu bisakan bikin game lebih banyak?. Mantap gamenya bang andy lukito ampe bang windah aja main apa lagi miawaug pokoknya seru deh gamenya semangat ya bang andy. Boleh sih gamenya keren bagus cuman ada bug tadi pagi gw main game ini terus petangnya gw main lagi nih gamers sekalinya ngereset dong tolong perbaiki gamenya ya. Andy bisa ga nambah saya di warnet simulator itu saya pingin masuk di game ini saya mohon Semoga di terimah Nama gua : ryehann.

Warnet Life APK

Kotany byk bat jd pusing td lewat mana, sma g ad tanda hrs nyelesain quest yg mana duluu,jd y klo bisa d updt biar kek kantin simulator.. Bro, Andy, there's a bug, so I lag, and the screen turns blue and I restart, right? I'm not lags again, but the blue screen is still there, please fix the bug, I've uninstalled the warnet simulator and downloaded it again, I hope you read it, bro andy . Saya sudah bermain game ini tetapi data saya hilang karena sebuah bug saya tidak mau bermain lagi saya sudah hapus semua akhir pekan studio game di HP ku tidak bagus. This was so good i all played this on 1 day but went i leave ans play again it all lost and it was hard to make money.

WOII BANG ANDY DATA AKU KOK SEMUA KE RESET PADAHAL UDAH CAPEK2 GRINDING EHH KERESET GITU AJA!! BIKIN LAH WARNET SIMULATOR BISA KAIT SAMA AKUN GOOGLE BIAR G HILANG KAYAK BAKSO SIMULATOR !! KESELLL BGTTT. Selamat malam sahabat ku semua ada baik dan terkawal tiada masalah tu lah pasal ni aku nak balik rumah dulu ke atau dah balik ke belum ni.

Download ( V3.2.9 )

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